Not Today Satan 👹
What Is This Series About?
The Devil hates students who love Jesus. He wants to ruin their lives. He wants to trick them into thinking that they are not good enough, that they are not important, and that are not whole. But Jesus has come so that student may have life. As we look at the schemes of the enemy, we see three major things the Devil is using to destroy teenagers. They are sex, suicide, and suffering. We are going to teach students to how to defend themselves against the schemes of the enemy and live the life that God has called them to live.
Series Scheule
PART I - The Introduction / Landon Reynolds
- Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Small Groups Start Back
Week 1 - November 1
PART II - Suffering / Patrick Weikle
- Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Regularly Schedule Small Groups
Week 2 - November 8
PART III - Suicide / Landon Reynolds
- Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Regularly Schedule Small Groups
Week 3 - November 14
No Programming - November 22
PART IV - Suicide / Landon Reynolds
- Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Regularly Schedule Small Groups
- 10th-12th Grade Q/A Session (8:00-8:30)
Week 4 - November 29
PART V - Sex / Patrick Weikle
- Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Regularly Schedule Small Groups
Week 5 - December 6
PART VI - Sex / Landon and Leeanna Reynolds
- Regularly Scheduled Programming
- Last Small Groups of 2017
- 10th-12th Grade Q/A Session (8:00-8:30)