Why This Is The Most Important Week of the Year
Wow! Last Wednesday was incredible. We had over 325 people in attendance, which is our second biggest EVER, 47 first time guests, and 178 people signed up for small groups. Jesus is doing big things at FC. We believe that this week will be more of the same.
I want every student to know that this is our most important week of the year. Here’s why:
1 - Small Groups Start Back This Week 👊
At FC Students small groups are the most important thing we do. Why? Because in small groups students can find true belonging and grow in their relationships with Jesus. And we start small groups this week! Jr. HS starts this Wednesday night, and HS groups will meet throughout the week. If you aren’t in a small group, you are missing out the most important thing at FC Students!
You can sign up for a small group here.
2 - We Are Giving Out A Month of Free Chik-fil-A. 🐔
You read that right…a whole month. That is 30 free coupons to Chik-Fil-A. To win, you need to bring the most first time guests with you. Whoever brings the most wins!
3 - Special Surprise Guests Will Be Joining Us 👮
We have some really special guests joining us this Wednesday! You really will want to see this. Trust us.